Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
Our practice is 100% virtual. Head over to the "Services" page for more information.
Is everything confidential?
In therapeutic work, everything that we discuss is confidential, with a few key exceptions which I will explain in our first meeting.
My friend sees you as a client, can I work with you too?
Typically, yes. It is not unusual for me to see friends, co-workers, and roommates. However, I prefer for this to be with the knowledge and encouragement of the original client. A large number of my clients do come to me through this type of referral. I will not, however, see the romantic partner, or former partner, of a client.
I am new to therapy. What's my first step?
Send me an email, or give me a call. We'll set up a time to talk over the phone for about 15 minutes to get to know each other, so I can answer any questions you have and see if we both feel like we are a good match. Then, at the end of the conversation, you can choose to either book an appointment or say you need time to think about it.